Committee of Management
Clifton Street Children’s Centre is a community run centre and operates as a not for profit organisation ensuring any profits are put back into improving the centre’s facilities for our children. It is an incorporated association bound by a constitution and governed by a Committee of Management to oversee operations, and guide and support the Centre Director and staff in their decisions. Our Committee of Management consists of parent volunteers.
As a not for profit we depend on our families and community to become involved in any way they can to support the centre through volunteering on the committee, attending working bees, or supporting the educational programs with hobbies, interest and skills.
Committee of Management
Camilla Reehorst
Vice President
Jessica Bann
Neeraj Puntambekar
Leah O’Loughlin
Sub Committees
Johanna & David
Buildings and Grounds
Benjamin & Ebru
Communications and Community Development
Tayla, Megan, Angela, Kat, Tash
General Committee
How to Join the Committee of Management
Parents and families are actively encouraged to share their skills, knowledge and culture and become involved in any way that they can. Being on the Committee of Management is a great way to meet many other families in the area and take part in the Clifton Street community, while working together with the centre staff to create a wonderful learning and nurturing experience for our children.
The various sub-committees organise and publicise events and fundraising, write and update policies, co-ordinate building and grounds improvements, and oversee strategic management of the centre.
Parents can express interest in joining the Committee at any time and nominations for positions are typically taken at the AGM (normally held around September/October) for parents to join the committee of management for the following year.
If you are unsure if you want to join a sub-committee you are welcome to just become a general member and help out where you can. If you are unable to attend monthly committee meetings you are also welcome to join a sub-committee but not be formally part of the Committee of Management.
If you are interested in joining the Committee of Management, please talk to our Centre Director Tara or any of the committee members listed above. Alternatively click on the button below to contact the centre directly.
Be a part of our program
Clifton street CC has an open-door policy and we welcome you to be involved in our program. Your ideas, experiences and skills are greatly valued. There are many ways you can share these with us such as cooking with children, reading, teaching us games, introducing us to music and traditions. The possibilities are endless so talk to us next time your in.
“We are grateful to Clifton Street for consistently delivering an engaging early-years experience to our children. Through day-to-day activities, incursions and excursions which promote creativity and inquiry, and most importantly, by being nurtured by a warm and caring team, we have two well-socialised and productive little girls! Sincere and life-long thanks to the educators and the admin team.”