Contact Us
For any enquiries about our centre complete the form below or directly by any of the following:
Our Centre
Street Address
55 Clifton Street, Northcote, VIC 3070
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 7:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
The Centre is Closed:
• All Victorian Public Holidays;
• 2 days closed for Professional Development a year;
• Approximately 2-3 weeks during the Christmas and New Year period.
“We’re now at school but the years spent at CSCC are remembered very fondly. The educators are so caring and are really involved with each child. They know whose water bottles is whose & lost socks always turned up!
I was on the committee for 2 years and it was a great experience to be so connected to the centre & to feel like you were able to make a positive difference to the children’s experience. My two children still reflect & tell me random kinder stories every now & then. ❤️🙏”